Saturday, April 3, 2010

What this Blog is About.

I'm Jeff J. Dotson (Soon to legally change last name to Carvelle, which is a name belonging to my father's side of the family), most of the people I associate with know me by the screen name BloodPump (Or Jeof Caravelle). This is my first attempt at a blog, so try to keep patient with what maybe a lackluster time schedule. I'll try to update weekly, but I won't make any promises. At the very least I will post a blog at least once a month.

Now, what this blog will mainly focus on is Film and Musical topics, however I may stray to other interests, including (but not limited to), Literature, wrestling, comics, games, ect. I enjoy these form's of entertainment, but my two loves have, and always will be, music and film. I will try to do at least one top ten a month.

I should have a list comprising of my three hundred favorite albums up in less then an hour, followed by my three hundred favorite films two/three days after. Both these lists will see constant changes, and gradual increases (from three hundred to three hundred and fifty, four hundred, ect.). Anyways, Ive got to get to working on that music list. I'm almost done , I just need to add fifty more albums to the list and I'll post it here.

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